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电话: 0565-23809185
姓名: Peter Wang
Chaohu Sunny Fishing Net Factory

  We ( Chaohu Sunny Fishing Net Factory ) is specialized in manufacturing fishing nets for several years in China . Our main products including : Fishing Lines , Nylon Monofilament and Multifilament Fishing Net , Fishing Twine and so on . Our products have been exported to many other countries , our clients are quite satisfied with the quality of our products . We can also manufacture the fishing lines or nets according to your requirement . ...

主要产品/业务: Fishing Lines , Nylon Monofilament and Multifilament Fishing Net , Fishing Twine and so on

Chaohu Sunny Fishing Net Factory / 安徽 / Jinchao Road ( ) / 电话:0565-23809185

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